We look for the house of your dreams

Thanks to our specialized personal shoppers, we are able to find the perfect house that suits your needs, either of new construction or to refurbish

Advantages of our service

Time saving

We actively search for properties. We visit the house with our team and if there is no problem, we schedule a visit with you.

Saving money

Thanks to our experts we can give a real value to the home. This allows us a better negotiation to adjust the final sale price.

Purchase guarantee

Prior to the signing of the deposit, a meeting is held at the property with our technicians, reporting the state of the property and possible repairs.

Legal support

The drafting of the reservation form and the deposit contract is carried out in a unitary manner by our legal department, who protects your interests and economic disbursement at all times.

Conoce al equipo

Stephanie Agostino
CEO, Founder & Arquitecta
Frederik G. Kenis
Patricia Vila
Administración & Contabilidad
Merce Luis
Arquitecta y Gestión de pedidos
Andrea Parra
Marketing & Comunicación
Maika Teruel
Agente Inmobiliaria
Claudia Ayllón
Agente Inmobiliaria

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